Women's Health Clinic Gold Coast
Health HQ Southport

Female doctors Southport

Dr Nora Cadman

Dr Nora Cadman - MBBS FRACGP Cert FPAA

Make an online booking with Dr Cadman

Dr Cadman has a special interest in whole patient care, but has particular expertise in women's health including the new Cervical Screening Test (see below), antenatal care, sexual health, polycystic ovary syndrome, menopause, period problems, breast care and genitourinary problems.

See Dr Cadman's full profile on the Health HQ practice personnel page.

Dr Stacey Ler

Dr Stacey Ler - MD, (GU), BMedSci, FRACGP

Make an online booking with Dr Ler now

Dr Stacey Ler is a local GP who graduated from Griffith University with Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSci) degrees. She completed her internship and Junior House Officer year at the Gold Coast University Hospital (GCUH) and Robina Hospital.

She has an interest in all areas of general practice and particularly in women and children's health, geriatrics, travel medicine and diabetes.

Dr Ler offers Etonogestrel implant insertion and removal.

See Dr Ler's full profile here.

Contraceptive implant Insertion

Family planning and contraception are vital considerations in any woman’s life and it is important that current and up to date information on all contraception methods is available to our female patients.
Often the most appropriate method will change over a woman’s lifetime and sometimes there are complex medical conditions that must be taken into account when determining the contraception method of choice.
Women's health doctors at Health HQ can advise on the safety and efficacy of the different contraception methods and are qualified to give patients advice as to which contraception method is best for them.

Cervical Screening Test

The Cervical Screening Test is a new test that has been available in Australia since December 2017. It replaces the old Pap Smear test. It is designed to detect the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) that has now been shown to cause over 99% of all cases of cervical cancer.
See World Health Organisation fact sheet.

The Cervical Screening Test is very sensitive and accurate and in many circumstances once a woman has had a clear result, the test will remain valid for 5 years.

The Health HQ women's health doctors and nurses are very happy to discuss and explain this new test further as it is a very exciting development for women's health aimed at finding abnormalities much earlier that the previous pap smear test.

If you have any further questions see the Australian Govts Dept. of Health website National Cervical Screening Program which is very informative.

Menopause and Hormone Therapy

Over the previous three decades we have seen medical advice change dramatically regarding how best to manage the Menopause.
Dr Nora Cadman is a member of the Australasian Menopause Society and welcomes the opportunity to discuss your personal needs during this transition period in your life.

Menstrual and Period Concerns

Abnormal bleeding and irregular periods can sometimes be an indication that a further assessment of your health is indicated. If you are experiencing an alteration in period cycle please make a Womens Health appointment so any bleeding or irregular menstruation can be more fully explored.

Pregnancy and fertility

Cartoon image of 3 women, one baby and one toddler on woman is pregnant

Health HQ cares for women both in helping to prevent cancer and by caring for you and your child during and after pregnancy

If you are nearing the time where you would like to consider a future pregnancy, or if you have been trying to conceive and would like more information regarding medical care and advice during pregnancy please make an appointment to discuss this at our women's health clinic.

Antenatal and Postnatal care

Antenatal pregnancy care as well as postnatal care encompass some of the most exciting and challenging times in a woman’s life.
Health HQ's women's health doctors are experienced and are able to guide you through this exciting time as you either prepare for the new addition to your family or need to learn more about your baby's health after the birth.

Sexual health

If you are concerned in any way regarding sexual health issues the female doctors at Health HQ will spend the time to investigate any concerns fully and will provide appropriate advice and treatment for all sexual health issues.

Breast Care and Breast Screening

Women are encouraged to learn Breast Self Examination, and after the age of 50 are encouraged to undergo a Breast Screen examination with Breast Screen Queensland.
If you have detected any symptom of concern, or just wish for a health professional to check your breast examination, please make an appointment for a Womens Health Check.