Travel Vaccinations Gold Coast
Vaccinations for Thailand, Vietnam, India and China as well as all overseas destinations always in stock
BCG Vaccine against Tuberculosis (TB )
Trials have shown
Only one dose is needed for life-long protection.
Health HQ is currently the only medical centre on the Gold Coast (since October 2019) to offer the
Health HQ will perform the Mantoux test prior to giving the
Call Health HQ now on 07 5526 4444 to make an appointment to get the
Immunisations and vaccinations for overseas travel

All vaccinations are given by our experienced registered nurses, considered the gentlest on the Gold Coast.
We stock the recommended vaccinations for Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, South Africa, Africa, Mexico, Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt, Kenya, Cambodia, South American countries and all other overseas destinations you may require travel injections for.
Our large inventory of travel vaccines are stocked on-site, so you will not have to source
your own vaccine from a chemist.
We stock vaccines against diseases which are not common in Australia but are rampant overseas such as tuberculosis (
We also offer protective measures against contracting malaria but there is no vaccine against malaria.
Note that some travel vaccines require an immunisation schedule which is a course of 2 or 3 inoculations over a
few weeks, so your Health HQ travel health doctor will provide you with a personalised vaccination schedule to
make sure you are as well protected as possible before your departure.
visits for completing vaccination courses are bulk-billed.
Feeling squeamish about needles? The registered nurses at the Travel Health
Doctors are very experienced at giving injections. Feedback from our satisfied
patients suggests the techniques our nurses use make the vaccines almost painfree.
However, not every vaccination requires an needle; some are taken by mouth.
Every traveller is provided with a detailed vaccination record book explaining what
vaccines you have been given and when you may need a booster dose in the future.
This vaccine record book will be updated each visit, so you will have all your
vaccination information in one safe place.
Recommended travel vaccination advice resources

Health HQ has standard medium and small travel first aid kits as well as customised travel medical kits which have travel health products suited to your individual travel destinations.
For more travel injection related information and resources, see the following websites that Health HQ recommends:
- Australian Immunisation Handbook - Vaccination for international travel (Australian Fed. Govt.)
- World Health Organisation (
WHO ) - Traveller vaccinations - Use this link to the
WHO PDF of Global vaccine preventable diseases and vaccines because the link on theWHO page above is broken. If that link also doesn't work try this one.
Both are 13MB PDFs.